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Veep Cheney Is Gangsta Gangsta

February 22 , 2007

Disclaimer: Do not read this article if you don't mix humor and politics

Cheney is GANGSTA! Not gangsta like the mob. For my own well being let me state, I don't know nothing 'bout none of that.

Gangsta in the slang sense, meaning - to blatantly, strong-arm what you want with finesse. It is an admirable trait to some, repulsive to others, yet all are left in awe. For comparison a gangsta plant would be a grape, kudzu, or running bamboo that dominates nearby plants to take what it wants.

But gangsta is more of an attitude than physical action. How you feel about people and how they feel about you. For instance, in a speech you can say what you want regardless of facts or logic and no one will call you on it. Cheney exhibits all these traits.

Dig these gangsta credentials:

  • Cheney shot an old man in the face and the guy apologized to him.
  • Cheney allows his friends in the energy busine$$ to determine our public policy on energy and by extension the environment.
  • Despite the rising trend in Iraqi violence at the time, Cheney stone-facedly told reporters the insurgency was in its last throes. That was 2 years ago!
  • Cheney orchestrated no bid contract$ for his boys at Halliburton and their subsidiaries amounting to billion$ upon billion$. Then 12 billion of that is lo$t with no accountability. no questions, and no consequences.
  • Cheney called Rumsfeld the greatest Secretary of Defense ever, after the man resigned in shame.

Even Rumsfeld was incredulous, but gangsta Cheney was undeterred and unchecked as always.

Let me state clearly this is not meant to insult or praise Cheney. I'm just neutrally commenting on how this man is gangsta gangsta.



  2007, Last Updated March 6, 2007